Join CANSW |
Membership in CANSW entitles you to the following benefits: |
- A subscription to the “The Voice” a CANSW Newsletter published 3 times annually Inclusion on the CANSW membership list server, an e-mail discussion group for CANSW members only, comprised of 100 renal social workers from coast to coast
- Reduced registration for the CANSW Annual Conference , a key educational event aimed to enhance renal social work practice
- Voting privileges in CANSW national elections, and the opportunity to run for office
- The opportunity to join CANSW Regional meetings and Educational events
- Access to CANSW’s web site Members Only section which consists of a resource library, CANSW membership directory, templates and other useful documents to assist with frontline practice
- The opportunity to apply for CANSW fiscal assistance to attend the CANSW Annual Conference